All your Dog Rocks questions answered. Please feel free to contact us if you don't see your question below.
How long does it take to start working?
It takes 8-10 hours to treat the water. Dog Rocks won’t fix the old spots but with proper lawn maintenance you will see vast improvements in 5 weeks.
Is Dog Rocks an all natural product?
Yes, Dog Rocks are an all natural product. We add nothing to them. They are quarried in Australia and packed in Victoria. The packaging is fully recycled craft paper. We try to leave no imprint on our planet.
Are Dog Rocks safe for my dog?
YES!! Dog Rocks are 100% safe for your dog. They have been used for 18 years across the world in 35 countries. Dog Rocks have been tested on millions of Dogs with no side effects known. They do NOT change the p/H balance of urine or water.
What should I do with my rocks once the 2 months is up?
We love to recycle…use your old Dog Rocks in a bucket filled with water. Use this water to feed your trees and pot plants. The rocks are great for plant growth.
Has it been tested so we know it lasts approx. 2 months or is that just trial and error?
This is just trial and error over the last 20 years of research. The patches will start appearing around the 2 month mark. Test it for yourself.
What are the reasons it may not work in the dog?
(a). If the dog is fed a diet of mainly raw red meat or an inferior quality dog food, this will hinder the productivity of dog rocks. …. a diet of premium dog food is a perfect complement to dog rocks. (b). If your dog has more than one drinking source, eg. Pool, pond, fountain, jacuzzi, toilet, cat’s water bowl… dog rocks effectiveness is greatly diminished.
(c) Dog Rocks works weight to volume. If you use too little rocks per amount of water, or you empty the water bowl out all the time and do not give the rocks a chance to work.
(d) Top or refill the water bowl in the evening when your dog goes to bed. This gives the rocks a chance to work (8 hours) before the water is consumed.
If the dog keeps taking the rock out of the bowl regardless of what you try, can the rocks be kept in a container of water and you fill the dogs bowl from that?
Yes, a lot of people do this…it will work but not as well as if the rocks are kept in the same bowl the dog drinks from. Remember to wait 8 hours before using the treated water.
Are Dog Rocks safe for other animals who may share the same water bowl?
Yes, Dog Rocks are safe for all animals. Cats, cattle, horses, chickens, etc.
What if my dog has multiple water bowls around the house?
Ratio rock to water is 100g or rock to 1 litre of water. If you have 4 x 1 litre water bowls you will need 2 x 200g packs of Dog Rocks split into 4 bowls.
We have artificial grass and my dogs pee makes it smell dreadful. Will Dog Rocks help with the smell?
A better solution for artificial grass is a product called TurFresh. TurFresh will eliminate pet urine odour, where Dog Rocks is for stopping burn patches on real grass. Given a choice always opt for real fresh green grass when you are a pet owner…. if that is not an option use TurFresh to easily clean artificial grass.
How long has it been on the market in other countries?
The product was researched for 2 years complying to Australian health and safety regulations for all animals…. including humans. The water has been tested for human grade drinking!!. We now have Dog Rocks sold in 35 countries worldwide.
How do I become a stockist of Dog Rocks?
Just email us and we will answer you as soon as we can.
Where can I purchase Dog Rocks?
Dog Rocks are available at most Pet Shops, Vets and all Bunnings Stores.
Do Dog Rocks make other products?
Yes we do. EcoDust is one. It is the same rock, ground down to make a mineral rock dust. Great for plant growth and soil health, naturally. No nasty chemicals.
Trough Rocks is another. Trough Rocks are a smaller rock than Dog Rocks so not suitable for dogs in their water bowl. Trough Rocks come in a mesh bag, when added to a horse or cattle trough willinhibit the growth of algae to provide cleaner drinking water for all farm animals. An added bonus, is they will help stop pee patches in paddocks caused by urine burn.